Ethical standards for publication of articles


As part of the editorial policy, the collection of scientific works “Railway Rolling Stock” consistently adheres to the publishing guide of the publication. The ethics of collection publications is a set of rules that stipulate the relationship between authors, editors, reviewers and employees of the publishing house in the process of submitting manuscripts, their reviews and publications.

Adherence to ethical norms and rules by all participants in the process of publishing scientific materials helps to ensure intellectual property copyright, improve the quality of publishing in the opinion of the professional community and eliminate the possibility of misuse of copyright materials in the interests of individuals.

Responsibilities of the editor-in-chief

The editor-in-chief of the Collection of Scientific Papers “Railway Rolling Stock” assures the general management of the publishing house and is responsible for making decisions on the publication of manuscripts submitted to the editorial office, guided by the accuracy of data and scientific significance of the paper.

Articles that are of scientific value and contribute to the solution of current theoretical and practical problems, regardless of gender, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, religion, citizenship or political views of the author are accepted for publication. Compliance of the submitted manuscripts with the Requirements for the execution of the presented articles in the Collection of Scientific Papers “Railway Rolling Stock” is also mandatory.

The editor-in-chief of the Collection of scientific papers can make a decision that certain manuscripts of prominent scholars, as well as authors specially invited by the editors to write an article, may be exempted from the standard review procedure.

The editor-in-chief and the editorial board rule out the possibility of business interests interfering in intellectual and ethical standards. All sources of any financial support for the research project must be disclosed and indicated in the manuscript.

The editor-in-chief, together with the editorial board, examines the authors’ claims regarding the considered manuscripts or published materials and provides the author with a written response.

Responsibilities of reviewers

Review form

All articles submitted to the editorial board undergo the review procedure, except for reviews and informational messages.

Each article is subjected to 2 levels of review (scientific examination): external and internal “blind”.

Internal (blind) review is conducted by the publishing editor (member of the editorial board). External (open peer) review is performed by a reviewer familiar with the author (the author is also familiar with the reviewer). Bilateral “blind” review is a review that is conducted confidentially in accordance with the principles of double-blind review (the author and the reviewer are not familiar with each other).

Following the ethics of scientific examination, the reviewer adheres to certain principles. At each level of review, the reviewer, carrying out scientific examination of materials in the author’s manuscript, provides an objective and well-reasoned assessment of the results of the study, except for personal comments towards the author. The recommendations provided to the author by the reviewer provide a comprehensive analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the article and are aimed solely at improving the quality of the author’s creative project.

The reviewer, taking into account the confidential nature of the submitted manuscript, does not allow the discussion of the paper with other persons, except those authorized by the publishing editor. If there is a conflict of interest with any of the authors, the reviewer may refuse to carry out the scientific examination of the manuscript.

Responsibilities of authors

The author (s) of the article, following editorial ethics, guarantee that the submitted manuscript is an original work. If the authors used the work and/or fragments of the text of other authors of the literary work, the authors provide appropriate references to the published works. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form (ideas, texts, etc.), including unformed quotations, paraphrasing or assigning rights to the results of other people’s research, are unethical and unacceptable.

The author(s) of the submitted manuscript are aware that they are primarily responsible for the novelty and reliability of the results of scientific research. The above-mentioned position involves:

  • provision of reliable research results. False or falsified beliefs in advance are not allowed;
  • recognition of the contribution of all persons who influenced the course of the study. This also applies to the submission of references to papers that were important while conducting the research in the article;
  • inadmissibility of reference of persons who did not participate in the study;
  • non-acceptance of the practice of submitting a manuscript that has been sent for publication (or has already been published) to another periodical.