State Enterprise
“Ukrainian Scientific Railway Car Building Research Institute”(DP «UkrNDIV») is the research institute for main line and departmental railway rolling stock.
State Enterprise “Ukrainian Scientific Railway Car Building Research Institute (DP “UkrNDIV”) in Kremenchug was established as the Ukrainian freight wagons research branch of All-Union Research Railway car-building Institute (Moscow). The Act of the Minister of USSR heavy manufacturing on the foundation of the research institution for manufacturing and supply support of freight wagons of higher quality design came into force in December, 1961.
Nowadays Institute incorporates 16 subdivisions including 7 self-dependent research laboratories The number of staff employed is 107 persons.
Foreign economic activities and export potential
The principal directions of the Institute’s foreign economic activities were:
- Cooperation with the Committee of Organization for Co-operation between Railways (OSJD). The Institute participated in determination of OSJD Objects of interest and in the OSJD workshop panel on railway infrastructure and rolling stock,
- Cooperation with Railway Transport Council of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia, participation in the expert panel and in the work of the Authorized Representatives of the Railway Transport Committee;
- Technical diagnostics of railway passenger cars with expired service life for determination of their further safe operation.
- Participation in the Committee work for acceptance of heavy castings for bogies of the freight wagons ( a 18-7020 model) manufactured by foreign enterprises – CKD KUTNA HORA»(Czech Republic) and «Amsted Rail Company, Inc»(USA) with the purpose of their full-scale production
- Strong business partnerships with firms and enterprises of Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Georgia and the far abroad countries (USA, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, China, Iran) in the area of experimental research tests and railway products certification.
DP”UkrNDIV” is responsible for fulfillment of following tasks:
- Scientific research in the field of railway freight and passenger car- building, diesel and electric trains, diesel and electric suburban trains, main line and departmental railway vehicles, underground railway carriages and street cars
- Fulfillment of obligations of the leading scientific institution of the Ministry of Industrial Policy of Ukraine in the field of “Design and engineering of main line and departmental rolling stock”
- Executions of functions of the head standardization body on “Design and engineering of main line and departmental rolling stock“and liabilities of the Technical Committee for Standardization (TC-83 “Coaches”).
- Fulfillment of obligations of the Certification Body for railway car building products (OS PV)
- Executions of functions of the Testing Centre for van building products and foundry (TC VP)
- Technical inspection of the transport machinery products with a view to elongation of their service life beyond the lifespan.
- Prime customers (consumers) for research and development products of Institute are enterprises within a range of influence of the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine (enterprises of (JSC “Ukrzaliznytsia”), manufacturing enterprises, foreign firms.
- Research and development activities (investigations and tests) are carried out for both foreign enterprises and national manufacturers.
DP”UkrNDIV” current priorities are:
- Analytical and experimental research on designing and launching of the new-built and upgraded passenger, commercial, municipal railway vehicles into production
- Expert evaluation of the technical specifications for passenger, commercial and municipal railway stock.
- Scientific research activities on standardization, certification and metrology, including those harmonized with International and European standards.
- Fulfillment of obligations of the head standardization body on “Design and engineering of main line and departmental rolling stock“and responsibilities of the Technical Committee for Standardization (TC-83 “Coaches”).
Strategic research priorities of SE“UkrNDIV” comprise R&D support for railway stock of the new generation with competitive performance specifications and qualified for interstate service on 1520-mm gage railway network.
Institute activities are aimed at fulfillment of tasks stipulated, particularly, by
- National Urban Electric Transport Development Program for 2007-2015 years, particularly concerning the improvement of railway communication, urban and commutation service
- Integrated Rolling Stock Renovation Program of Ukraine for 2008-2020 years;
- Identification of new areas of research and staff competency development.