№ 20(2020)

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І.V. Hladkykh, А.О. Sulym, N.V. Lupitko Main research of renovation and development dynamics of freight wagons in Ukraine.  Analytical review ………………………………………………………………………………………………..4 PDF (Українська)
Yu.V. Yezhov, Yu.S.Pavlenko, S.M Poluliakh Approaches to renovation of locomotive fleet in Ukraine..14 PDF(Українська)
E.V.  Tretiak, A.O. Sulym, P.O. Khozia Main types of long wheelbase flat cars and research of their strength characteristics………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..27 PDF (Українська)
O.O. Yushko, О.О. Melnyk, Ye.О. Khvoienko, P.O. Khozia, S.O Stolietov, O.V Orlov Study of thermal pa-rameters of the microclimate while using flat heating elements on intermediate cars of electric multiple units…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….34 PDF (Українська)
O.M. Safronov, P.О. Hozia, Yu.Ya Vodiannikov, D. I. Yeskov Braking efficiency of hopper cars with separate braking on each bogie …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..40 PDF (Українська)
Yu.Ya. Vodiannikov, O.G Makeieva, K.L. Zhykhartsev Problematic issues of diagnosing industrial and shunting locomotives for the purpose of service life extension…………………………………………………………. 56 PDF (Українська)
S.A. Cheburov Comparison of wheel centers characteristics of cast-iron and rolled wheels………………63 PDF (Українська)
S.A. Cheburov Comparison of non-metallic inclusion contamination characteristics of locomotive rough wheel tread material…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..67 PDF (Українська)
K.Yu. Kholod, O.O. Fedorak Key moments of the revised version of ISO 19011……………………………..71 PDF (Українська)
N.O. Bahrov Technical supervision as an aspect of the certification process………………………………….76 PDF (Українська)
O.I. Prostak, N.V Lupitko, M.M Malysh, O.I Prostak Use of cloud technologies at the enterprise……………81 PDF (English)
V.O. Shushmarchenko, V.V Fedorov, A.M Strynzha, D.V Fedosov-Nikonov On the issue of technical diagnostics of tank wagons for transportation of dangerous goods……………………………………………………..89 PDF (Українська)