Research laboratory for freight and special rolling stock (№ 6)
Tel: (05366) 6-13-84, (050) 308-02-08
A list of the main scientific results that made it possible to achieve the impact of
Principal areas of laboratory activities are:
1 Theoretical and experimental research on design and mastering the production of new and upgraded freight wagons, their assembly units and components for mainline and departmental railway vehicles:
- development of test programs and procedure;
- railway cars clearance tests, performance of cars on curves of a short radius, geometry dimensioning, tare weight calculation, service and certification tests of railway vehicles and facilities within a scope of accreditation.
- Theoretical and experimental research on technical diagnostics of freight wagons, departmental rolling stock and tracked vehicles with expired lifespan.
- Science and technical evaluation of engineering designs and developments for making a decision on upgrading of the rolling stock and launching into manufacture, preparation of reviews, conclusions and reports.
- Research activities on development and technical expertise of national and international standards.
- Normative and research evaluation of the stocked goods assigned to the laboratory at all stages of their development, manufacture, operation and certification.