Research and development laboratory for running gear, passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles
(R&D lab. № 4)
A list of the main scientific results that made it possible to achieve the impact of
Tel: (05366) 6-12-57, mob. phone. 096-873-62-92
Main areas of laboratory activities:
-research to determinate technical specifications and requirements for passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles;
-standardization of technical specifications and requirements for passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles and their components;
– expert evaluation of passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles and their components;
– experimental research on technical specifications of passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles and their components, in particular, for compliance with regulations and launching them into production;
-technical diagnostics of passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles to determine the possibility of their service life extension;
– technical and scientific aid for launching of passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles and their components into production and their conformity validation to regulatory requirements.
Employees of R&D laboratory are experienced in:
- development of regulatory documents with technical requirements for running gears, passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles and their components;
- experimental research on passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway vehicles for determination of their basic geometry, lighting parameters, ergonomics, specifications for fire fighting and water resistance, clearance compliance and performance on curved tracks of a small radius;
- experimental research on running gear of freight and passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban railway rolling stock to determine their parameters in accordance with regulatory and design documentation;
- experimental studies of the components of passenger trailing, tractive, self-powered and urban railway rolling stock: (windows, doors, chairs, beds and luggage racks, etc.) to determine their parameters for compliance with regulatory and design documentation;
- examination of technical documentation (specifications, calculations, design documentation, test results) to determine compliance with regulatory requirements;
- technical diagnostics of passenger trailing, traction, self-powered and urban raiwayl rolling stock to determine the possibility of extending the service life.